2022 Annual Report of the Board of General Superintendents

The Board of General Superintendents opened the 98th session of the General Board by leading a concert of prayer for each of the six regions of the Church of the Nazarene, remembering especially the plight of those in Ukraine and asking the Lord to restore peace and safety to the region. Following the time of prayer, David Busic delivered the annual Board of General Superintendents' Report.
Busic’s report, titled "Church in the Wilderness," addressed the many challenges the church has faced in the last year. He reminded listeners that “in Scripture, the wilderness is not a place of punishment—rather, it is a place of testing.”
The benefits of wilderness are clear, Busic said. By God’s grace, wilderness is “a place of preparation that refines our character, sharpens our focus, renews our dependence upon God, and prepares us for new ministry.”
Busic closed the report with a powerful admonition to embrace the future with confidence, acknowledging that although “the way forward may look different than the past, the One who is ‘the way, the truth, and the life' remains the same.”
General Board members responded to the report with enthusiastic approval. This year's General Board is being held virtually with members from 17 different time zones who will meet through Monday 28 February.
To view this year's report, click here.