Kevin Gilmore elected director of Pensions & Benefits

Kevin Gilmore elected director of Pensions & Benefits

NCN News Staff
| 27 Sep 2019
Kevin Gilmore


General Treasurer Keith Cox announced the election of Kevin P. Gilmore as director of Pensions & Benefits.

The Board of General Superintendents elected Gilmore at their September meeting.

“The Board of General Superintendents is confident that Kevin will provide great leadership in this vital ministry of the church,” said Fili Chambo, chair of the Board of General Superintendents. “Kevin’s training, experience, and heart for God and His people qualify him for the role. We are thankful for the careful and prayerful search of the Pensions & Benefits board that discovered God had someone prepared, even before we had a need.”

Gilmore follows former Pensions & Benefits USA Director Don Walter, who passed away suddenly in March after serving the organization in that capacity for nearly 25 years, with a total of 36 years of service.

"It’s an honor to serve our denomination as director of Pensions & Benefits,” Gilmore said. “I look forward to continuing the legacy of effective assistance provided by the P&B team in meeting the needs and honoring the dedicated service of our active and retired ministers, missionaries, and ministry staff."

Each year, P&B serves more than 17,000 church employees and spouses with financial support, such as retirement benefits and life and disability insurance. 

Gilmore, a Certified Public Accountant for over 30 years, has extensive experience in the financial sector, and served as the chief financial officer for MidAmerica Nazarene University from 2009 to 2016. Most recently, he has been a partner with B2B CFO, a national management consulting firm that serves owners of small and mid-sized businesses.

“Kevin is both an experienced business man and a dedicated churchman,” said General Treasurer Keith Cox. “As a member of MidAmerica Nazarene University’s Board of Trustees, I observed first-hand how the Lord used Kevin to guide the university through significant financial challenges when he served as vice president of finance. I’m excited to see the Lord use Kevin’s financial expertise and passion for serving our pastoral community to further the Kingdom.”

Gilmore has also served as chairman of the Olathe Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, president of the Olathe School Board, and president of the Kansas State Board of Education. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in organizational administration/leadership from MidAmerica Nazarene University.

Kevin and his wife, Julie, have been active members of College Church of the Nazarene in Olathe, Kansas, since 1983, where Kevin leads an adult Bible study fellowship class and serves on the church board.

“My personal relationship with Jesus Christ is what defines my life,” Gilmore said. “My goal in life is to be certain I see people the way God sees them, and live a life of holiness.”



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