Africa Region celebrates 103 newly ordained men, women

A total of 103 African men and women were ordained at services held across the continent from 5 — 20 March 2022.
On Saturday, 5 March 2022, an ordination service took place in Nairobi, Kenya, at Africa Nazarene University. General Superintendent Eugénio Duarte led the ceremony accompanied by the Africa Regional Director Daniel Gomis, Field Strategy Coordinator Musa Kunene, and the local district superintendent, Silla Onyango. Other guests in attendance were family and friends of the ordinands.
The 54 ordinands were from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. Duarte preached from 1 Timothy 4:6-16 and Isaiah 6:1-9, charging the ordinands to go out and serve the nations. The ceremony ended with congratulatory messages and applause for the ordinands, a photo session, and meals for everyone.
In Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 13 candidates were ordained. This ordination occurred at the Nazarene Church of Yopougon-Andokoi on Saturday, 12 March 2022. In Lomé, Togo, 26 candidates were ordained. The service took place at the Church of the Nazarene of Tsevie on Wednesday, 16 March 2022.
Finally, on Sunday, 20 March 2022, after a 10-year wait, the District of Senegal celebrated another ordination service. The service was led by Duarte along with Gomis, Moïse Toumoudagou, the FSC of Africa West Francophone Field, and the district superintendent, Antero D. Fontes.
Ten pastors were ordained, including two women, eight elders, and two deacons from Senegal and Guinea-Conakry. Duarte’s preaching emphasized the call to ministry in Isaiah 6. This ceremony ended with a dinner reception and reunion while rejoicing in the Lord.
“These celebrations reflect the growth of the Church and its future,” Gomis said.