Lay leaders: June 2017
Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry International's DiscipleshipPlace.org would like to congratulate the following individuals for being approved by their pastor and local church board to receive the certificate of lay ministry in the month of June. Upon approval they will complete the lay ministry courses.
- Trisha Bruce, Orange Park Church of the Nazarene, Florida District
- Theresa M. Guensch, Indian Head Church of the Nazarene, Mid-Atlantic District
- Robert Hofstetter, Geneva Church of the Nazarene, Northeastern Indiana District
- Terry Dwayne Isbell, Warren Chapel Church of the Nazarene, East Tennessee District
- William A. Lawer, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- Edward Sanders, Las Vegas Church of the Nazarene, Arizona District
We would also like to congratulate the following people who have completed the following courses in the month of June. *
- Janet Achieng, Kabete Church of the Nazarene, Kenya Central District
- Children’s Ministry
- Marsha Edwards, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- How to Study the Bible
- Marenya Ian, University Church of the Nazarene, Kenya Central District
- Children’s Ministry
- Katherine Khalifa, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- How to Study the Bible
- Donald Lawer, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- Communicating the Gospel in a Pluralistic World, How to Study the Bible, Telling the New Testament Story of God
- Mary Lawer, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene
- Communicating the Gospel in a Pluralistic World, How to Study the Bible, and Telling the New Testament Story of God.
- William A. Lawer, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- Youth Ministry Academy
- Paul Maki, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- How to Study the Bible
- Signe Maki, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- How to Study the Bible
- Ray Rolla McCall, Esq., Clare Church of the Nazarene, Michigan District
- Children’s Ministry and How to Study the Bible
- Jimmy McCarver, Senatobia N.O. Nabors Memorial, Church of the Nazarene, MidSouth District
- Adult Worker
- Steve Marcum, LaPorte First Church of the Nazarene, Northwest Indiana District
- How to Study the Bible
- Angela Martinez, Layton Rosewood Lane Church of the Nazarene, Intermountain District
- Exploring John Wesley’s Theology
- Anne Near, Allentown Church of the Nazarene, Philadelphia District
- Women’s Ministry
- Dyan Palm, Oakdale Family Church of the Nazarene, Central California District
- How to Study the Bible and Children’s Ministry
- Stuart Parvin, Safe Harbor Church of the Nazarene, Washington Pacific District
- Book of Romans
- Mary Lou Todd Strunk, Salem Grace Church of the Nazarene, Illinois District
- How to Study the Bible
- LaShell Travis, New Life Christian Fellowship Church of the Nazarene, South Texas District
- How to Study the Bible
*Please note the above individuals are being recognized because they contacted us to request a certificate of completion. Many individuals complete courses but do not contact us to let us know so we are unable to recognize them.
--Compiled by DiscipleshipPlace.org of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International