Engaging in Men’s Ministries
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 26 Jun 2024

For many years, my home church has engaged in men’s ministries. A core group of 10 to 20 men meet early on Fridays for food, fellowship, and fervent prayer. Many more are engaged in comprehensive biblical learning on Sundays. About 40 are engaged on Wednesday evenings for intentional mentoring and equipping. Authentic relationships are developed.
Out of these groups, some go into the inner city and other areas of need for compassionate outreach. Others are engaged in sports and fitness outreach activities. Many more men are recruited to engage in special church functions and work days.
How is your church engaged in men’s ministry? Some of the responsibilities of the local men’s ministries coordinator include:
- Praying for the men of your church.
- Serving on and be responsible to the Adult Discipleship Ministries Council.
- Identifying all the men in your congregation.
- Assessing the needs of the men in your local church and community and determine an effective ministry response to those needs.
- Examining new ways to evangelize and disciple men in the community.
- Creating and promoting ministry activities under the oversight of the Adult Discipleship Ministries Council to meet the spiritual growth and development needs of men in various stages of life.
- Helping develop skills, talents, and abilities of men and promoting opportunities for them to assist in places of ministry within the local congregation and/or the community.
- Giving guidance to the various committee chairpersons of the Men’s Ministries Council and leaders who may be asked to serve.
- Studying and promoting any denominational materials for ministry to men.
- Exploring available community activities for men.
- Seeking approval from the pastor and the Nazarene Discipleship International board for all local speakers and events in order to ensure harmony with the mission of the church.
- Promoting and publicize men’s ministries activities and service opportunities in cooperation with the church calendar.
- Representing the need and importance of men’s ministries to the Adult Discipleship Ministries Council or another board you are responsible to.
- Making periodic reports, proposals, and funding requests to the Adult Discipleship Ministries Council.
- Establishing resources that provide insight and support for Christian living for men.
- Encouraging men to sign up or explore any publications from the general or district church that may be available to them.
Share with us some of the ways your church and district are engaged in men’s ministries. Email dstanton@nazarene.org