Venezuela church captures community's attention with car show

El Caujaro Church of the Nazarene on the Lago District of Venezuela invited the community to participate in a car show in May. The noise and lights from the cars caused enough curiosity that more than 250 people came to the church to see the event.
The procession included 10 vehicles from a local car club that played music from various Christian rap, reggaeton, and electronic artists. Other participants included volunteers on stilts who delivered tracts and characters from famous movies that fit the theme of the event. There were also dance and theater productions, fireworks, and a message preached by Yosnedis Lujan, the pastor of the local church.
The community enjoyed the activity. Some expressed a desire to visit the church and receive more information. At the end, the church, in gratitude to the team that owns the vehicles, offered them dinner.
“I thought that initiative was very good. Everything was beautiful,” said Narwin Añez, a local member of the community who attended the event. “Through this, I am sure that the souls were rescued for God.”
Añez said he was curious how the church was going to use an event like this to reach people in the community.
“Normally these activities are used for the world,” Añez said. “I was very curious how everything could be. It was very well organized and I hope to be invited for other activities.”