Côte d’Ivoire South district elects, installs new superintendent

Côte d’Ivoire South district elects, installs new superintendent

Nazarene News Staff
| 21 Feb 2024
DS Ivory Coast

The installation of Kouamé Kamenan as the new superintendent of the Côte d’Ivoire South District of the Church of the Nazarene took place on Sunday 4 February 2024 at Grace Church in Andokoi. 

Having been elected on 25 November 2023 at the 32nd District Assembly, he replaces Maloula André-Aimé who spent eight years as DS. 

“By God’s grace and support, I will faithfully serve the Côte d’Ivoire South District as superintendent,” Kamenan said. “I pledge to support these district ministries and to do my best to oversee, encourage and lead each ministry in the mission, life and work of the district.”

The ceremony was presided over by Daniel Gomis, Africa regional director. Gomis invited lay people, pastors, and local ministry leaders to work hand in hand in order to be an unshakeable support for the new superintendent.

”I welcome you to this position,” Gomis said. “We believe in you and give you our blessing in your leadership and responsibility. We are co-workers in the ministry of the Church of the Nazarene.”

Kamenan received a Bible from the District Advisory Board, a globe from the district's Nazarene Missions International group symbolizing global missions, a Sunday School document from the district’s Nazarene Discipleship International group, and a bucket and towel from the district Nazarene Youth International group, symbolising Jesus’ humility in washing the feet of his disciples.

A member of the Church of the Nazarene since 1992, Kamenan is married with five children. In 2004, he obtained his theology certificate from the Nazarene Theological Institute in Côte d’Ivoire. 



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