BGS announces retirement of global NMI director

The Board of General Superintendents announces the retirement of Lola Brickey, Director of Global Nazarene Missions International (NMI), effective at the end of January 2025.
Lola has served faithfully and well across this last decade, devoting her considerable expertise to the health and growth of NMI during a time of tremendous change.
“NMI exists because the local church exists, supporting those who are called to go and serve as Nazarene missionaries," Brickey said. "I am so grateful that NMI also provides a vibrant place of service for those who are called to stay and support Nazarene missions through their local church. Because of NMI, I have had a vibrant place of service in my local church, district, and through global assignments for 40 years of service in NMI.”
NMI is vitally important to the life of the Church of the Nazarene and to our ability to fulfill Christ’s command to go into all the world, sharing the good news of the gospel. While we will miss Lola’s steady leadership, we are excited about the future that our Lord has in store for the denomination and for NMI.
It is our hope to announce a new director by the February 2025 General Board meeting. We ask that you join us in prayer for the Lord’s leadership as the Board of General Superintendents and the NMI executive committee work through this transition.
--Board of General Superintendents