Naw Pa Saw Wah first woman appointed superintendent of Myanmar Southeast District

Naw Pa Saw Wah was recently appointed superintendent of the newly formed Myanmar Southeast District. She is the first local woman to serve in this role in Myanmar and on the Southeast Asia Field, a remarkable achievement in the field’s leadership.
Saw Wah began serving in local ministry in 2008. She became a pastor at 13-Mile Church of the Nazarene in Myanmar in 2010, where she served for three years. In 2013, she took her first pastorate at Pyaskakan Church of the Nazarene, serving there until 2015. She earned a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2018.
She then became the pastor of 4-Mile Church of the Nazarene in Myanmar, where she currently serves.
“Taking on the role of district superintendent is both a humbling and exciting responsibility,” she acknowledged. “I strive to lead with Christ’s love and grace, identifying new opportunities for growth and outreach in our communities.”
To read a feature from Asia-Pacific Region Church of the Nazarene on Naw Pa Saw Wah’s life and call to ministry, click here.