Retiring missionaries recognized at 99th General Board

The Church of the Nazarene announced the following retiring missionaries during a meeting of the 99th Session of the General Board 24-27 February, which was held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Members of the Board of General Superintendents and the General Board congratulated the retiring missionaries on 25 February in an evening service with a virtual reception. In addition, Global Missions has worked with the missionaries’ home churches to coordinate an in-person celebration, including the presentation of a sculpture as a token of the denomination’s thanks.
Global Missions, under the direction of Verne Ward III, would like to express its deep love and appreciation to the missionaries for their many years of selfless dedication to God, the church, and all of those whose lives have been impacted by their ministry. As individuals, they have given a combined 314 years of service to God through the Church of the Nazarene.
Timothy and Lydia Kim
- 21 years
- Philippines and Micronesia
Luis and Clara Meza
- 25 years
- Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia
Wellington and Helen Obotte
- 26 years
- Tanzania and Malawi
Germán and Patricia Picavea
- 24 years
- Mesoamerica and South America Regions
Liliana Radziszewski
- 36 years
- Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, and Argentina.
Linda Russell
- 24 years
- Russia
Larry and Phyllis West
- 31 years
- Asia-Pacific Region