A New NDI Course Available on the Discipleship Place!
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 12 Aug 2022

Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) is excited to announce a new course, Discovering and Developing Christlike Disciple Makers, now available on the Discipleship Place! Developed by Daryll Stanton, global resourcing coordinator for NDI, the course content draws on principles of disciple making, discussed in Hal Perkins’ book, Walk with Me.
The Church of the Nazarene is committed to making Christlike disciples in the nations. Nazarenes perceive Christian discipleship is a way of life. It is the process of learning how God would have us live in the world. As we learn to live in obedience to the Word of God, in submission to the disciplines of the faith, and in accountability to one another, we begin to understand the true joy of the disciplined life and the Christian meaning of freedom. Discipleship is not merely human effort, submitting to rules and regulations. It is the means through which the Holy Spirit gradually brings us to maturity in Christ. It is through discipleship that we become people of Christian character. The ultimate goal of discipleship is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Nazarene Discipleship International endeavors to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth, and adults in preparation for a lifelong journey of being and making Christlike disciples in the nations. Hal Perkins’ Walk with Me addresses our need to both be and make disciples. Successful completion of this course necessitates application of Perkins’ book as we endeavor to be co-workers with Christ in building His church.
The seven lessons in this course are:
- Introduction for Being and Making Disciples
- How Are We Being Discipled?
- How Do We Disciple Lost Persons until They Repent and Believe in Jesus?
- How Do We Disciple Believers to Know and Follow Jesus and to Obey All He Taught?
- How Do We Disciple Maturing Christ-followers to Make Disciples?
- How Do We Mentor Disciple Makers to Also Make Disciple Makers?
- Conclusion? No, We Must Keep Repeating This with Others!
Every Christian should be able to answer two basic questions: “Who is discipling you? Who are you discipling?” This course will help you discover the various values and practices that can guide each of us to a positive response.