Cezarina Glendenning appointed Central Europe Field strategy coordinator

Cezarina Glendenning appointed Central Europe Field strategy coordinator

Nazarene News Staff
| 02 Nov 2023

Cezarina Glendenning was appointed field strategy coordinator for the Central Europe Field on 1 November 2023. The appointment was made by Global Missions Director Verne Ward in consultation with Eurasia Regional Director Jim Ritchie and Jurisdictional General Superintendent Carla Sunberg.

Glendennig has served as leader of the Croatia Pioneer Area since 2019. 

“I am honored by the trust the church is putting in me,” Glendenning said. “Martin and I are looking forward to serving the church in this new role, knowing it will have its share of joys, challenges, losses, and rewards.”

Cezarina was born and raised in the Central Europe Field. She met her husband, Martin, while he was serving as a missionary on the Eurasia Region. They were married in 2013 and have been serving together as missionaries in Eurasia since that time. “Cezi” was ordained in 2014.
“As an Albanian, it has always been my home, and in the past seven years, it has become the home of our family,” Cezarina said. “We are excited to partner with God and the church in the building of his Kingdom in Central Europe.”
The appointment becomes effective 15 November 2023. Glendenning will replace Jay Sunberg, who has served in that position since 2009.




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