GA Business: Day four

GA Business: Day four

Nazarene News Staff
| 15 Jun 2023

Business meetings of the 30th General Assembly and Conventions concluded on Thursday evening. Here are some highlights of the legislative results.

  • Elected T. Scott Daniels as the 44th general superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene on the 33rd ballot.
  • Elected Christian Sarmiento as the 45th general superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene on the 40th ballot.
  • Adopted a resolution to add Manual ¶5, a statement on creation and humanity. It was paired with another resolution (JUD-815A), which adds that “humans are made in the image of God and God declared that humanity is very good” (JUD-815).
  • Rejected a combined resolution that would have made changes to Article of Faith 16 (JUD-816A and JUD-816). The proposed change received a majority of votes but failed to reach a two-thirds majority.
  • Adopted a resolution that adds a paragraph declaring “A person’s birth sex is primary, formative, and God-given” to the statement on Gender Identity passed in 2017 (CA-713).
  • Rejected a resolution that would have made changes to the statement on Human Sexuality passed in 2017. The proposed change received a majority of votes but failed to reach a two-thirds majority.
  • Adopted multiple resolutions that made the designated the following sites as historical landmarks: Primera Iglesia Mexicana del Nazareno (SR-753), Nazarene Bible Institute of Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (SR-754), Camp Garner Creek (SR-755), Meridian Fitkins Church of the Nazarene (SR-756), Cambridge, Massachusetts, First Church of the Nazarene (SR-757), and Oão José Dias Temple, Ponta Achada, Ilha Brava, Cabio Verde (SR-758).

To see the legislative highlights from the previous three days, click on the following links:
Day one

Day two

Day three


To view all General Assembly resolutions, click here.




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