Argentina leaders gather for National Ministries Encounter

Argentina leaders gather for National Ministries Encounter

by | 03 Sep 2015

The Church of the Nazarene in Argentina, desiring to equip district leaders in every ministry, held the second National Ministries Encounter August 15 to 17 in Pilar, Argentina, for 180 leaders and pastors from the 12 Argentine districts. They were ministered to, trained, and provided with reproducible tools they can use on their districts.

Workshops, plenary sessions, and hands-on activities, along with services and fellowship time, helped participants grow in knowledge and faith. The trainers included regional coordinators Patricia Picavea, Germán Picavea, David González, and Jorge Julca, as well as national coordinators Carlos Radi, Wilmar Rojas, Robin Radi, Jessica Rojas, Marcelo Fretes, and Viviana Pérez.

The event ended when the leaders of each district presented their plan to hold a training event on their respective districts.

While the leaders were being equipped, 12 pastors’ children under the leadership of Jessica Rojas ministered to a group of 76 children and youth. The group also had workshops and games. 

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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