Interim field strategy coordinator appointed for Southeast Asia

Interim field strategy coordinator appointed for Southeast Asia

by | 19 Aug 2015
Collin and Shireen Elliott

The Asia-Pacific Regional team has been carefully monitoring the health status of Southeast Asia Field (SEA) Strategy Coordinator David Phillips.

"In light of his recent diagnosis of cancer, and the recommendation of the Global Mission Medical Committee that David immediately return to the USA for the start of chemo treatments, it has left us needing to appoint an interim field strategy coordinator for the SEA Field," said Mark Louw, Asia-Pacific regional director. "Following consultation with David Phillips and Global Mission Director Verne Ward, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Collin Elliott as the interim field strategy coordinator for the SEA Field."

Collin and Shireen Elliott recently arrived on the region from Africa and assumed this new interim responsibility as of August 13.

For matters concerning the SEA Field, direct communications to the SEA field strategy coordinator, which will be forwarded to Collin.

Continued prayer is requested for David and Naomi Phillips so that they can return to the field at the end of their medical leave of absence.

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region




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