BGS appoints new superintendent for Michigan District

BGS appoints new superintendent for Michigan District

Nazarene News Staff
| 10 Sep 2020
Brad Dyrness

Bradley Dyrness was appointed superintendent for the Michigan District on 8 September 2020. The appointment was made by the General Superintendent David Graves in consultation with the Michigan District Advisory Committee, Bob Broadbooks, director of the USA/Canada Region, and the Board of General Superintendents.

“Deb and I are humbled by this assignment,” Dyrness said. “We are looking forward to serving the Michigan District in this new role.”

Dyrness will replace Woodie Stevens, who has served as the interim superintendent since March. Dyrness’ term begins 1 October 2020, and he will serve until the 2022 district assembly.

Dyrness graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Christian education from MidAmerica Nazarene University and holds a master’s degree in Spiritual Formation from Northwest Nazarene University. He then went on to serve on staff at Saint Louis Church of the Nazarene in Michigan. He pastored his first church, West Branch Church of the Nazarene, beginning in 1985

After West Branch, he served at Colorado Springs First Church of the Nazarene (1988-1992), Wichita First Church of the Nazarene (1992-1996), Junction City First Church of the Nazarene (1996-2005), Sparks First Church of the Nazarene (2005-2015), and most recently served at Lansing South Church of the Nazarene since 2015.

In addition to pastoral leadership, he has served as a chaplain at fire and police departments as well as the county jail while in Sparks, Nevada.

Dyrness and his wife, Deborah, currently reside in Lansing, Michigan.




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