Nepal family restored through prayer

Nepal family restored through prayer

by | 29 May 2015

Sajita* and other members of her 12-person family had done everything they could think of to find help for her father and younger brother, who was 16 at the time. The two were out of their minds with a kind of madness for years that had placed great tensions and burdens on the whole family.

Sajita sought out medical doctors as well as witch doctors for healing for their mental state, but no one knew what to do.

Her brother, Akash*, now 18, remembers what it was like when he was sick for four years, since the age of 12. It was like he was unconscious, and words came out of his mouth, but he didn’t know what they meant. For four years he was unable to continue going to school, and hadn’t learned how to read or write. He was also aggressive, sometimes attacking people. Their father was the same.

Then some Christians came to their area of Kathmandu, Nepal, to show a gospel drama. For Sajita, the gospel message presented a hope for her family that she had not found anywhere else. She believed in Jesus and began to follow Him.

For the rest of the story, see Engage magazine.



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