Nazarenes in the News

Nazarenes in the News

by | 01 Sep 2017

Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members. 

Retired Colorado pastor still shining a light after near-death experience

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Retired Nazarene pastor Terry Douglass, second from right, tells jokes among the breakfast gang August 24 at McDonald's in Fountain, Colorado. The group meets in the mornings Monday through Friday, and some of the regulars have been going for more than 10 years. "The only way you leave is when you die," said member Mert Nickell. (The Gazette photo)

(The Colorado Springs Gazette, 26 August) Everywhere he goes, Terry Douglass shocks people.

They can't believe the retired Nazarene pastor survived the Type A aortic dissection that almost took him out of the game in March. They tell him he should be dead.

"When they put me in the ambulance, they said, 'Now you need to know this is really serious,'" said Douglass, 70. "Those who survive often come out and the left side of their body doesn't function, either their arm or leg, and many have brain damage."

Douglass surprised almost everyone when he left the rehabilitation facility at the end of April with an intact body and mind.

"We all prayed for him," said Jean Dixon, who plays organ and piano at Faith Covenant Bible Chapel. Douglass has filled in for the church's pastor, and his wife, Karen Douglass, also plays piano. "We shouldn't say we're surprised when something happens like that - a miracle - but we are, kind of. We just didn't think there was any way, but God is able to do above and beyond."

For the rest of the story, click here.


SNU president surprises pizza delivery driver during chapel

Bethany, Oklahoma

(Oklahoma's News 4, 31 August) It was just supposed to be a simple lesson for a group of students at Southern Nazarene University, but it ended up being a lifesaver for a young man.

SNU President Dr. Keith Newman was imploring students to "do for one what you wish you could for everyone."

That simple lesson was illustrated with a prayer and a pizza.

“We prayed that God would send us someone who really needed a blessing. We had no idea who would come through the doors," Newman said.

For the rest of the story and a video, click here

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--Compiled by NCN News



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