USA/Canada NYI hosts its largest leadership conference to date

USA/Canada NYI hosts its largest leadership conference to date

by | 23 Mar 2017

USA/Canada Nazarene Youth International welcomed nearly 400 leaders to Kansas City, Missouri, 5-7 March for NYI Leadership Conference 2017. The conference doubled the previous record for largest attendance at an NYI Leadership Conference. It included a wide range of leaders, including youth pastors, senior pastors, district superintendents, college and university representatives, and additional church leaders from across the Church of the Nazarene's USA/Canada Region.

“The 2017 NYI Leadership Conference truly has the potential to create a ripple effect that extends to all corners of ministry with young people on the region,” said Justin Pickard, regional youth coordinator.

While past leadership conferences have emphasized developing a small group of district leaders, this year's conference focused primarily on engaging 15- to 29-year-olds across the Church of the Nazarene. 

Over the course of a day and a half, presenters Kara Powell and Brad Griffin from Fuller Youth Institute shared insights and tools from their latest research project and book, Growing Young. Their presentation included examples of Nazarene leaders and churches that are already engaging young people well.

USA/Canada NYI also invited Joel Thiessen, professor of sociology at Ambrose University and director of Flourishing Congregations Institute, to discuss significant factors influencing the Church of the Nazarene’s engagement with young people in North America, specifically in Canada.

During each session, attendees participated in roundtable discussion to explore how they could take the next step in leading their churches and ministries to (re)engage a young generation.

NYI leaders hope the conference will further stimulate church-wide discussion around how the Church of the Nazarene can be a place where young people feel a sense of belonging, challenge, and purpose.

--USA/Canada NYI




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