The Holy Spirit's Nudge
By Jim Clifton, NDI Educational Field Coordinator–USA/Canada Region | 17 May 2022

I woke up with a song in my head, not a hymn or chorus I was familiar with but a new song. I got up and started to write the verses, the chorus, and a bridge of that song. I was encouraged by what was written; it may never be shared by anyone, but it warmed my heart and refreshed my soul.
That got me thinking. How many times has God’s grace been active in our minds to inspire and encourage? How many times have we ignored Him as just a passing thought or a fleeting fancy? What if that passing thought about an old friend is actually the Holy Spirit speaking? What if that “song in the night” needs to be shared with someone? What is that crazy thought about stopping and speaking to the panhandler on the side of the road and giving the Good News (and something tangible)? Is our gracious God nudging us?
The Holy Spirit’s Influence
The influence of the Holy Spirit is vast and limitless. The church believes that sanctifying grace “includes the divine impulse to grow in grace a Christlike disciple” (Article of Faith 10.1). He does not confine Himself to the sanctuary or to the moments of devotion we have each day. I have begun to realize more and more that God is always speaking (duh!). Yes, I mean it. God is always speaking to us: in memories, which might encourage reconnection; in dreams, which might turn into reality; in momentary challenges, which might bring grace to someone.
Always Working
God’s grace is always working on us and in us—working on us to shape us to be more like Him. How many utterly strange things did Jesus do (walk on water, turn water into wine, have a fish with a coin in its mouth to name a few)? He was working in us to give us strength and courage to share with others what He has shared with us.
I want to be more aware of His presence. I want to believe that He longs to break out into our world through us. Don’t we all want that? (Amen!) So, the next time He speaks, as weird as the idea or thought might be, take time to think and then to act. That crazy thought might just change someone’s destiny.