2023 Nazarene missionaries commissioned

2023 Nazarene missionaries commissioned

Nazarene News Staff
| 01 Mar 2023
Comissioning Service Graphic

The Church of the Nazarene's Global Missions office recommended 11 missionaries for commissioning during the 99th General Board Session, held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, 24-27 February.

These missionaries have each been serving in long-term strategic assignments in diverse settings around the world. The commissioning of missionaries is a recognition of the life and call of the missionary, an indication of the missionary’s willingness to serve the church, and an affirmation of his or her service into the future.

Carlos and Amantina De La Cruz have served as missionaries since 2019. They have four children. Carlos serves as the field strategy coordinator, and Amantina serves as his assistant and is currently developing a women’s ministry in Panama. Their home church is on the Northeast District in the Dominican Republic. They are being commissioned as missionaries on global assignment to serve in the Mesoamerica Region.

Freya Galindo has served as a missionary since 2014. She currently serves as the regional finance coordinator. Her home church is in the Mexico Gulf District. Freya is being commissioned as a missionary on global assignment to serve in the Mesoamerica Region.

Jimmy and Lisbeth de Gouveia have served as missionaries since 2019. They have three children. Jimmy serves as the South America regional church development and ministries coordinator, pastors the Mosaico Church of the Nazarene, and is the superintendent of the Colombia Northeast District. Lisbeth serves alongside him. Their home church is on the Venezuela Primero District. They are being commissioned as missionaries on global assignment to serve in the South America Region.

José Carlos and Jacilene Rodrigues have served as missionaries since 2019. They have two children. José serves as the coordinator of Missions Mobilization and is the superintendent of the Colombia Costa District. Jacilene serves as the district secretary and coordinator of the chaplaincy department in the ministry of Missions Mobilization. Their home church is on the Brazil Nordeste District. They are being commissioned as missionaries on global assignment to serve in the South America Region.

Kafoa and Aggie Muaror have served as missionaries since 2019. They have six children. Kafoa serves as field strategy coordinator, and Aggie serves as field Nazarene Discipleship International coordinator. Their home church is on the Fiji District. They are being commissioned as missionaries on global assignment to serve in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Shahade and Annabelle Twal have served as missionaries since 2019. They have three children. Shahade serves as the regional Work & Witness coordinator and is coordinating the reconstruction of the Koinonia Training Center in Cyrpus. Anabelle serves on the regional communications team. Their home church is on the Germany District. They are being commissioned as missionaries on global assignment to serve in the Eurasia Region.



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