

Today the Nazarene Archives maintains approximately 3200 cubic feet of materials dating from the 1870’s to the present. The collection documents the rise and development of the Church of the Nazarene through correspondence, periodicals, official minutes, sermons, personal papers, photograph collections, flyers, audio recordings, and video media.
The collections focus largely on the denominational level, including General Assembly materials, collections related to the Board of General Superintendents and to general church officers, and to General Board departments, divisions, and offices. The Archives also collects samples of representative district and congregational materials, including microfilmed church minutes. The Archives maintains a nearly complete collection of Nazarene district assembly journals (1907-present), and it has sizable collections of records from Nazarene colleges and universities in the United States. Another significant body of collections pertain to the independent religious bodies that formed or later joined the Church of the Nazarene. Still another important set of collections are those related to Nazarene social ministries.