Our Calling to Share the Gospel in All Educational Settings
By Marilyn J. Dominick, Chairperson, Nazarene Educators Worldwide | 09 Sep 2024

The most wonderful treasure of our salvation is the redemption and restoration offered by God through his Son, Jesus Christ! The truth that God loves us so much that he showed us grace and mercy that we did not earn and do not deserve at all is a precious concept. This truth brings great hope to all of us who believe on his name. Along with that blessed redemption, we have the promise in his Word that he alone offers restoration of what Satan tries to rob from us. A fresh start and the promise of a fulfilling life in him is the hope on which we build our faith.
Greatest Discipleship Opportunities
The field of education is one of the largest discipleship opportunities in the world. In about every country on this planet, people have access to some form of education. What other career field offers the opportunity to minister to so many students, their families, and our colleagues? Christian educators have a huge influence in the lives of those we touch. Education is a major career path that gives us opportunities to implement Christ’s mandate in Matthew 28:18-20.
If you Google “What does it mean to make disciples of Christ?” this is what you may find (credit given to AI):
“Discipleship making – entering into relationships to help people trust and follow Jesus, which includes the whole process from conversion through maturation and multiplication.”
“Disciple maker – a disciple of Jesus who enters into relationships with people to help them trust and follow Jesus.”
Discipling Through Relationships
The ministry of being an educator is a high calling from God and is a mission field ripe with opportunities to gather a harvest for Jesus, no matter where we are working. The opportunity to make Christlike disciples awaits us whether we work in Christian schools, public schools, higher education, preschools, or homeschools. These settings offer opportunities to share God’s redemption and restoration with our students, colleagues, and the family each student represents. We could look for opportunities to share by forming relationships in the places we consistently serve. It may be more challenging in some settings (like public schools), but God leads us as we seek his plan for our ministry. Christians have many more rights to express their faith than they might believe. Nazarene Educators Worldwide is ready to help with how to minister to those around you, even in secular places.
Watch what God will do when we surrender ourselves to be his ambassadors. Sometimes, we may be the only ones to share the love of Jesus, in hopes of giving the students and adults a unique perspective on how they live their lives.
Discipling through the Way We Discipline
As a public school educator for over 40 years, I have seen God work in many areas. One that comes immediately to mind is the area of discipline in our classrooms. The difference between more traditional forms of discipline and punishment and a restorative approach is that the restorative concept is both proactive and supportive as much as it is responsive. Bathed in prayer and constant attention to maintaining a caring environment, restorative approach creates a setting where negative issues are less likely to arise. If they do arise, we have already built the connections between people and developed the skills to address the issues and restore a positive classroom. This gives the Christian educator a perfect opportunity to stand out in how we deal with issues and for others to ask why we manage discipline in this way. We can then communicate the redemption we have received and ways we are modeling what Christ has done for us.
God bless each of you as you model Christ in your classrooms and schools.