Growth in Faith

Growth in Faith

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Reflecting God – Embrace Holy Living

Forget Not

Psalm 103:1-6    We make many choices in life based on the extras that come with whatever it is we are purchasing. We consider processor speed and storage when we buy electronics. We consider deductibles when we choose insurance policies. We buy vehicles based on all the “bells and whistles” that…

Newfound Freedom

Romans 6:1-10    If you’ve ever purchased a new vehicle, chances are you worked hard in order to have the privileged ownership. Research was done, trade-ins and down payments were considered, budget lines revised. The early Roman Christians needed to be reminded that while new life in Christ is a freely…

Counting Birds

Romans 5:1-8     I imagine going to a grocery store would look a little different if it weren’t for the cross. In addition to bread, milk, and eggs, we’d have to figure out how many goats, lambs, and doves we’d need to absolve the previous week’s sins for ourselves and our…

It Is Finished

John 19:28-37      Anyone who has taken a creative writing course knows that a good composition has a beginning, a middle, and an end. There’s usually a planned storyline, complete with characters, a conflict to be resolved or a goal to be reached. At the end of the story is a…

Divine Intercessor

Isaiah 53:9-12        I imagine being a telephone operator would have been a rather stressful job. One would have had to listen carefully to callers and think quickly about what connection to make in order to make successful calls happen. In a sense, operators were intercessors for their customers, mediators meeting…

I Didn’t Do It

Isaiah 53:4-8       One of my least favorite lines to hear from a child is, “What did I do? I didn’t do anything!” I especially dislike it after I have calmly explained to the boy or girl in question exactly what it is they are guilty of doing. They are convinced…

Disliked and Despised

Isaiah 52:13—53:3        There’s an old children’s song that begins, “Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I’ll go eat worms!” I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t matter how unloved I might feel, I think I’ll pass on the worms. If anybody had a reason to sing a…

Center of the Universe

Romans 15:1-7       Developmentally, we know that young children are moving from a working belief that they are the center of the universe to the realization that others exist. Some make this transition on a rather predictable timeline. However, others seem to be slow in acknowledging this shared space with others…

Do I Know You?

1 John 4:7-16 I’ve lived in a number of different places and met a variety of people. Sometimes, when I see someone, I get the feeling I’ve met them before. I wonder where I know them from. I question if I really do know them. Sometimes, the spark that brings…

Remember to Love

Isaiah 43:22-28      Do you ever wonder why Jesus felt the need to remind us so often to love each other? Perhaps it is no mystery as we interact with those around us. I think of my own children and how often they need a gentle reminder to be kind to…


Reflecting God is a digital publication of the WordAction Publishing Company. Click here for more information.