Oral discipleship model growing the church in South America, Africa
17-year-old Kelvin in Colombia followed traditional religious beliefs as a boy, but he realized he was too dissatisfied with the practices of this religion at the time of his confirmation. He grew increasingly distant from his childhood faith until one day he encountered the JESUS film, followed by an EvangeCube demonstration in the park.
He accepted Christ and soon began attending a small group to grow in his faith. The group primarily learned biblical truth through a method called Tell THE Story – listening to Bible stories and memorizing them. Today, he is part of the youth group and shares his faith with others.
Tell THE Story is already improving discipleship and strengthening leaders like Kelvin in Colombia. Milton Matheus, Colombia JESUS Film Coordinator, said it has provided a solution for consolidating new believers into small groups planted by JESUS Film teams each month. With Tell THE Story in Matheus’ community, about 200 people in 20 small groups recently listened to biblical stories throughout a three-month period.
For the rest of the story, see Engage magazine.