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Army chaplain leads soldiers in Stations of the Cross

While deployed in Afghanistan, U.S. Army Chaplain Micheal Anderson and the Task Force Brawler Unit Ministry Team (UMT) offered a special Good Friday “Stations of the Cross” experience 30 March during Holy Week. For five hours, the UMT used the Task Force conference room to establish eight prayer
25 Apr 2018
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Florida pastor retires from reserve chaplaincy after 27 years

Hollywood Church of the Nazarene Pastor John Weller (right) recently retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserves. The wing chaplain for the 920th Rescue Wing ended his 27 years of service with a retirement ceremony at the base chapel August 1. Chaplain (Lt. Col.) John H. Weller spent 12 years with the
06 Aug 2015
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Nazarene chaplain ministers through end-of-life coaching

When Nazarene chaplain Don Eisenhauer started working in hospice about 12 years ago, he realized just how unprepared he was to help others address an unpopular, yet crucial topic. "Our culture doesn't talk much about death," he said. "We're not comfortable with it and it's not taught. I didn't know
30 Aug 2013
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Edward Cairns

Remembering Edward Cairns

18 Oct 2024
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Thank Offering

Offering of Thanks allows us to share Christ…

17 Oct 2024
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Remembering Fred Huff

Celebrating the life, ministry of J. Fred…

17 Oct 2024
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Two Field Strategy Coordinators appointed in…

16 Oct 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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