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Brazil Graduates

CFM Brazil graduates embrace challenges amid COVID-19

The Center for Missionary Formation (CFM) in Brazil celebrated the culmination of two years of hard work with a graduation ceremony held on 14 November 2020.
03 Dec 2020
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Caacupemi Max Missions

Maximum Missions event helps reopen Paraguay church

The Church of the Nazarene in Caacupemi, Paraguay, is beginning to have in-person services again, and the church hosted a Maximum Missions event to announce the reopening.
19 Nov 2020
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Larry Webb

Celebrating the life, ministry of Larry Webb

Larry Webb, 87, of Nampa, Idaho, passed away 7 November 2020. He was a retired missionary and minister who served in New Mexico, California, Barbados, and Bolivia.
13 Nov 2020
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Send Me

Denomination launches new missions application, opportunities website

The Church of the Nazarene is pleased to announce the launch of its new missionary opportunities page to ensure becoming a missionary is efficient and accessible to all Nazarenes globally.
13 Nov 2020
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95 thesis

South America missionary children celebrate Reformation Day

Children of missionaries serving on the South America Region met in different countries to celebrate Reformation Day, sharing what they learned about Martin Luther's theses and theology.
06 Nov 2020
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Virtual missions events connect candidates across globe

Many missions training events have moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the change has had an unexpected benefit by paving the way for cross-cultural and cross-regional interaction.
06 Nov 2020
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Boxed in: Herndons persevere during Romania lockdown

The Herndons were stuck in Romania's strict lockdown due to the Coronavirus, they had to get creative in order to get through what was a difficult time for the family.
30 Oct 2020
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Thai Badminton

Missionary couple uses badminton to integrate into Thai community

When Terence and Ingrid Lustana began their missionary work in Thailand, a woman at a badminton club helped them find the start and spark for their ministry.
28 Oct 2020
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Samnaz feature

South America Region announces new missionary training center

The South America Region recently launched Centro de Formación Misionera, a center that will focus on training missionaries from the region’s Hispanic countries.
15 Oct 2020
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Emily Ray

Emily Ray's missionary legacy

Emily Ray, 83, of Arcadia, California, passed away 22 September 2020. She was a retired missionary who served for 34 years in Guatemala and Argentina.
08 Oct 2020
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Nazarene School Lebanon

A prayer for Lebanon

03 Oct 2024
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In Memoriam: 4 October 2024

03 Oct 2024
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In Memoriam: 4 October 2024

03 Oct 2024
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Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene causes devastating…

03 Oct 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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