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Raisa Bright

God's miracle: A story of faith amid war

On February 24th, Russia began its invasion of Ukraine and Anastasiia began to work to find a way to get her mother out of the country. This is Raisa's story of faith that God would deliver her to safety.
25 Aug 2022
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Nexus India

Nexus India inspires youth to make impact in their communities

Nazarene youth in India didn’t let COVID-19 stop them from training as church leaders. They merely found ways to reach even more youth, who are so excited about what they’re learning that they’re initiating their own peer groups for spiritual growth.
18 Aug 2022
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Akash Singh

Akash Singh appointed superintendent of India Northwest District

Akash Singh has been appointed district superintendent of the India Northwest District. Singh served as pastor of Patiala Church of the Nazarene from August of 2010 through January 2021.
10 Aug 2022
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Ukraine Food Distribution

Ukraine churches support families amid food crisis

In response to the food insecurity crisis in Ukraine, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries has partnered with four Nazarene churches in Ukraine to collect goods, assemble them, and distribute food packages that will feed 1,000 families each month for the next six months.
04 Aug 2022
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Mathias Christadas appointed superintendent of India North Karnataka District

Mathias Christadas has been appointed district superintendent of the India North Karnataka District. Christadas has served as the pastor of Konunkunte Church of the Nazarene since 1988 and led the Karnatka District from 2011 to 2020.
29 Jul 2022
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Video Game Tournament

Students look on during a video game tournament held at Festival Manchester. 

Video game tournament leads 70 young people to Christ in England

About 70 young people made decisions to follow Jesus Christ at a video game tournament in Manchester, England. George Herrera, a student at Nazarene Theological College—Manchester, led the tournament as part of his ongoing video game ministry to teens.
21 Jul 2022
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Judy Burnell obit

Celebrating life, ministry of Judy Burnell

Judy D. Burnell, 70, of Seaford, Delaware, passed away 30 June 2022. She pastored Seaford Church of the Nazarene since 2017.
08 Jul 2022
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Fields of Ukraine

A sunflower field in Ukraine meets the sky to resemble the country's flag.

Ukraine church celebrates God's faithfulness amid dark times

Pastor Davide from the Eurasia North Field shares how the Lord has been faithful to the people of Ukraine amid the violence and destruction that has become their reality.
23 Jun 2022
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Germany Refugee work

Eurasia Regional Office continues ministry of friendship with refugees in Büsingen, Germany

After European Nazarene College closed its residential program in Büsingen, Germany, the Regional office began to use the campus grounds to shelter refugees, teaching and discipling those who they became connected with.
09 Jun 2022
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NCM Ukraine Release

Global Nazarene family continues Ukraine crisis response

Three months into the war in eastern Europe, Nazarenes have responded compassionately to those who have been displaced and are seeking refuge both within Ukraine and around the globe.
26 May 2022
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Kyle Poole

Kyle Poole appointed superintendent of…

19 Sep 2024
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Argentine/Paraguay Missions trip

Central Argentine District blesses Paraguay…

19 Sep 2024
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JESUS Film showings lead to life…

19 Sep 2024
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Bromley District

Bromley District celebrates opening of…

19 Sep 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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