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Myanmar District to provide summer break camps for children

Sunday School & Discipleship Ministries International leaders in Myanmar, led by Pastor Puia, will soon begin Children's Summer Camp 2015, an initiative to reach children for Christ during the upcoming summer break (March to May). These children's camps will be held in 17 different locations across
12 Mar 2015
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NTC-Indonesia announces new rector

Nazarene Theological College-Indonesia recently announced the installation of Stephanus Hartoyo as the college's new rector. Hartoyo has a long history of service to the Church of the Nazarene and NTC-Indonesia. For more than 30 years he has served as pastor of Filadelfia Church of the Nazarene, in
03 Mar 2015
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Myanmar church members host children's ministries

Myanmar (formerly Burma) has been dominated by religions other than Christianity for centuries. Currently less than 4 percent of the population is considered Christian, but the Nazarene denomination continues to grow in the area. Burmese Nazarenes began reaching out to those living in Myanmar's Mon
24 Feb 2015
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Update: Prayer requested for Nazarenes in Asia-Pacific city

The Asia-Pacific Region Office received the following report from the Sealands Field regarding last week's prayer request for three families: We are praising God for His presence during the meetings this past week. God provided wisdom and insight to the families and teams as they responded to the
24 Feb 2015
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South Korea sends first medical mission team to Myanmar

Yangon, Myanmar A team of 13 people from Mokjang Church of the Nazarene in Cheonan City, South Korea, traveled to Yangon, Myanmar, last month for a medical mission trip. The team is the first from South Korea to travel to Myanmar. More than 400 lives were touched as the team held clinics at three
20 Feb 2015
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Southeast Asia Field pastor dies in traffic accident

Southest Asia Field, Asia-Pacific Region Team members in a country on the Southeast Asia Field requested prayer for the family and church of Pastor UC, who died in a traffic accident this month: Pastor UC was with another friend, traveling in the countryside, when they were involved in the accident.
20 Feb 2015
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Philippine Nazarene College begins construction on new training center

The Philippine Nazarene College campus was full of excitement as ground was broken for the new Technology and Vocational Skills Training Center. Thanks to a partnership with Victoria, British Columbia, First Church of the Nazarene, a 40-foot ocean container was shipped, cleared customs, and arrived
20 Feb 2015
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Prayer requested for Nazarenes in Asia-Pacific city

The Church of the Nazarene's Asia-Pacific Regional Office shared the following urgent prayer request Wednesday morning, local time: Please pray for three families that have been brought to Christ through careful discipleship and who have recently been baptized in one of the cities here on the Asia
18 Feb 2015
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Asia-Pacific Region announces leadership transitions

Asia-Pacific Regional Director Mark Louw announced the appointment of a new regional literature coordinator and regional coordinator of education and clergy development. Regional Literature Coordinator On January 23, Lisa Lehman was appointed the new regional literature coordinator. Lehman
12 Feb 2015
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Australia North & West District holds first assembly simultaneously through video conferencing

The Australia Northern Pacific and Western Australia districts came together this month in a historic district assembly to form the Australia North and West District. To celebrate this inaugural event and encourage new relationships across the newly merged district, a Pastors, Spouses, and Leaders
06 Feb 2015
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 27 September 2024

27 Sep 2024
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Roam volunteers help wash tent at Salyer Lake.

ROAM Volunteers impact nazarene camps,…

27 Sep 2024
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Brazil Missions Trip

Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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