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Linda Spalding

Celebrating the life, ministry of Linda Spalding

Linda Spalding, 88, of Bastrop, Texas, passed away 17 October 2022. She was a retired missionary who served in Bolivia, Mexico, and Panama for 21 years alongside her husband, Tom Spalding.
03 Nov 2022
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Rendezvous provides support for Nazarene missionary kids through R Plus

Rendezvous Plus, an event that supports missionary kids who are leaving or recently left the missions field to return to their passport country, took place in late July.
19 Oct 2022
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Bill Zumwalt

Remembering Bill Zumwalt

Willis “Bill” Zumwalt, 89, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, passed away 6 September 2022. He was a retired missionary who served in Taiwan from 1971 to 1989.
15 Sep 2022
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St. Lucia Missions Team

Missions team comes alongside St. Lucia church to impact community

Ten missions team members from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana joined the “Called to Serve” short-term missions trip and traveled to St. Lucia to serve alongside the Castries Church of the Nazarene in July for 11 days of ministry and community outreach.
01 Sep 2022
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Iowa church's sweet corn sale raises thousands for missions

Burlington First Church of the Nazarene has been selling sweet corn for missions for the last 25 years. They've raised more than $200,000 for missions since it began.
29 Jul 2022
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Puerto Rico district hosts Encuentro 2022

Encuentro 2022 was held on the Western Puerto Rico District with about 100 Puerto Rico residents and 276 people of all ages from other areas of the United States. The groups held VBS and repaired churches that needed updating.
21 Jul 2022
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Love Your Neighbor English

Registration nears for GA service opportunity

Nazarenes around the globe are invited to join Love Your Neighbor, a service project taking place in Indianapolis, Indiana, 9-14 June 2023, in conjunction with the 30th General Assembly. Registration begins in July 2022.
24 Jun 2022
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Dios Eterno

A legacy of faith: Ecuador church expands thanks to memorial fund

A group of 24 members of the Fischer family visited Ecuador to honor the legacy of former Nazarene, Vern Fischer. They joined members of Iglesia del Nazareno Dios Eterno in Riobamba, Ecuador, in expanding the church’s sanctuary.
23 Jun 2022
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'Missionary Summer' begins with success in Dominican Republic

A spirit of unity and service characterized the first installment of the missionary “Missionary Summer," when 12 Work & Witness volunteers from North Arkansas in the United States combined with four young leaders from the host country to bless the city of Bonao.
16 Jun 2022
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The grace that goes before: Missionary couple shares discipleship journey

Mireu and Mijiye Kim moved to Thailand in November 2021 as missionaries. As a couple, they started to pray that God would open doors for them while they learn the Thai language and immerse themselves in the Thai culture.
16 Jun 2022
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Nazarene School Lebanon

A prayer for Lebanon

03 Oct 2024
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In Memoriam: 4 October 2024

03 Oct 2024
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In Memoriam: 4 October 2024

03 Oct 2024
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Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene causes devastating…

03 Oct 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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