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Work & Witness Haiti to build chapel factory

The Church of the Nazarene in Haiti is growing faster than churches can be built. In 2014, the number of new preaching points increased almost 40% over the previous year to 900 and more than 1,000 church buildings are needed in Haiti right now. In an effort to keep up with the growing demand, last
09 Dec 2015
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Turks and Caicos work advances through basketball

Garrett Mitman, a high school junior from Wisconsin, USA, visited the Turks and Caicos Islands (in the Caribbean) while on vacation with his family. Garrett describes himself as a basketball junkie, loving the game and using every spare moment to improve his game. While practicing dribbling drills
04 Dec 2015
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Mexico East District inaugurates first Cozumel mission site

Mexico East District Superintendent Joaquín Ocaña, ministry coordinators, and a group of 41 people from the USA's Northeastern Indiana District gathered to inaugurate the first Nazarene mission site in Cozumel. Xochi Sanchez, the missionary who will continue the work, was installed as pastor.
19 Nov 2015
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Mexico churches continue Hurricane Patricia response

With the help of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Pastor Salustiano and members of the congregation were able to replace the roof of Barra de Navidad Church of the Nazarene in Jalisco, Mexico. The roof was damaged by the strong winds of Hurricane Patricia. Construction began in early November and
19 Nov 2015
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Illinois motorcycle club disciples boys while supporting Costa Rica pastors

What do motorcycles have to do with pastors in Costa Rica and retirees mentoring boys in the United States? A motorcycle club at College Church of the Nazarene in U.S. is bringing these disparate groups together in an unexpected way. It started when Ellen Steward, the recent pastor to families at
18 Nov 2015
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Nazarene church launches in Curaçao

Next year the Brash family will move to Curaçoa on a two-year mission assignment. Curaçao, one of the “ABC islands” — Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao — off the north coast of Venezuela, is being introduced to the Church of the Nazarene. This is a story of new beginnings: for a country, for a young
18 Nov 2015
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Mesoamerica regional conference includes 100-year NMI celebration

The Church of the Nazarene's Mesoamerica Region held its conference October 7 through 9 at the Nazarene Theological Seminary in Guatemala City. About 500 people, including speakers, participants, guests, and the logistics team, came together to represent the region's 20 countries. The theme was
18 Nov 2015
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Hurricane Patricia pounds Mexico; churches responding

On Friday evening, October 23, Hurricane Patricia pounded into Mexico’s southwestern coast, causing widespread damage through intense rain, 165-mph sustained winds, and surging seas. Although the category-5 hurricane — the strongest ever recorded by the U.S. National Hurricane Center — had weakened
25 Oct 2015
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Dominican Republic Central district superintendent passes away

Pictured left to right: Sarah, Carmen, and René Acosta. René Acosta, superintendent of the Dominican Republic Central District, passed away October 7. Acosta pastored several churches from 1977 to 1986, when he became district superintendent. He served as rector of Dominican Republic Nazarene
16 Oct 2015
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American Bible Society Offering to benefit Cuba

Since its inception in 1816, the American Bible Society has strived to provide the Scriptures to every man, woman, and youth in a language and format each can readily understand. Nazarene churches are invited to receive an annual offering for this organization on the second Sunday of December. This
13 Oct 2015
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Namibia Church of the Nazarene celebrates…

01 Jul 2024
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NNU team joins locals to build WASH project…

01 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Flag

Flags of the Nations: Ecuador

01 Jul 2024
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Coastal Sunrise

In Memoriam: 28 June 2024

27 Jun 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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