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First woman ordained in Sri Lanka

In January, Kawshalya became the first woman pastor to be ordained in the Church of the Nazarene in Sri Lanka. Hers is a story of overcoming hardship and heartache to obey God’s call into full-time ministry. She shared her story with Simon Jothi, principal of South Asia Nazarene Bible College, from
01 Apr 2015
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Churches respond to ministry equipment theft in Spain

Illescas, Spain — When missionaries Josh and Shannon Herndon opened the rear of their car in mid-February, their hearts sank: They were the victims of a car break-in. Four bags of children's baseball equipment had been stolen from the vehicle's hidden compartment in a targeted theft that left behind
19 Mar 2015
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Tell THE Story impacts India

India, Euraisa Region — Ray and Becki Neu, Tell THE Story trainers for the Church of the Nazarene, are presenting several introductory and training sessions in various global areas. Tell THE Story is a discipling method that helps individuals present the Bible in a way that is simple to receive,
18 Mar 2015
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NTC-Manchester announces visiting director for Manchester Wesley Research Centre

Nazarene Theological College-Manchester announced Howard Snyder, retired professor of history and theology of mission at Asbury Theological Seminary, will step in as visiting director for the Manchester Wesley Research Centre until January 2017. Snyder is taking on primary leadership of the MWRC
12 Mar 2015
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Central Europe Field becomes home to unusual congregation

"I tell you the truth," Jesus said, "corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you do" (Matthew 21:31, NLB). And so he angered the religious people of his time by associating with sinners, with liars, thieves and prostitutes, accepting them, loving them, sharing
11 Mar 2015
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'They are starting to open themselves like a flower': Helping survivors of human trafficking

By Gina Grate Pottenger for Where Worlds Meet Bucharest, Romania — Chirila "Betty" says that when she was growing up with an alcoholic and abusive father, she didn't feel secure; she didn't feel love. Fortunately, when she was 18, a young man she knew invited her to church. What if a different guy
11 Mar 2015
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Albania: God at the garbage dump

Vera Broli lives in a small cement block house near the garbage dump in Sharr. The area is also home to a community of Roma people — an often impoverished ethnic group that lives on the fringes of societies across Europe. The Roma people in Sharr live off the trash and discarded items brought to the
06 Mar 2015
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Armenia boy gives to NMI 100th anniversary projects

Ari Kevork is a young boy in our small fellowship group in Yerevan, Armenia; he lives with his parents and little sister Arleen, who migrated from Lebanon to Armenia last year. In his life, Ari has shown a very tender heart, listening to and loving Jesus as his personal Savior. Last year the Armenia
06 Mar 2015
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Delegates learn servant leadership at Third Wave

When several youth from Korea and Japan began practicing Tae Kwon Do under the rain and stars of Costa Rica during free time at Third Wave , Scottish youth leader Amy Warner and several others from the USA joined the group, who taught them Tae Kwon Do moves. The spontaneous intercultural moment was
18 Feb 2015
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Brownings retire after 35 years of leadership

Lindell and Kay Browning are nearing retirement after serving the Eurasia Region in leadership for more than 35 years. For 22 years Lindell has led the Eastern Mediterranean Field as field strategy coordinator. This year he is turning over that role to Khalil Halaseh , a pastor in Jordan. The
06 Feb 2015
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In Memoriam beach

In Memoriam: 19 July 2024

18 Jul 2024
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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