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M+Power: Nazarenes train in India for mission

This summer, 21 potential M+Power volunteers from India and South Asia — along with a group of mentors and trainers — gathered in Bangalore, India, for a Eurasia Mission Orientation (EMO), where the group spent five days discovering what it means to serve cross-culturally; 16 interviewed for
28 Sep 2015
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Croatia Nazarenes join refugee response

Hundreds of thousands of people leaving the Middle East have trudged across southeastern Europe for weeks, buffeted by the rapidly changing policies and politics of various European governments, as they try to make their way to Germany or Austria. Before 15 September, the refugees were initially
24 Sep 2015
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A Nazarene from Nazareth: 'We are the light of the world'

Nizar Touma likes to say he’s a real Nazarene, by birth, in addition to being a Nazarene by church membership. Growing up in Nazareth, in Israel, Touma was raised by his parents in the Greek Orthodox Church. Yet, he says they were not serious about their faith, practicing it only as a tradition, not
22 Sep 2015
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Nazarene Essentials available in French

Nazarene Essentials , a document that explains the basics of the Church of the Nazarene's teaching, history, theology, mission, funding, and connections, is now available in French. Released by the Board of General Superintendents in February, Nazarene Essentials is currently being used around the
18 Sep 2015
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Board of General Superintendents urges church response to refugee crisis

Photo by Jane Kneusels As the war in Syria stretches into its fifth year, the number of people who have had to flee their homes due to violence or persecution has reached 12 million — half of them children — according to the United Nations. The number of Syrians who have become refugees in other
17 Sep 2015
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Eurasia Nazarenes assist during refugee crisis

For four years, the war in Syria has dragged on. For four years, people have hoped for peace, have lingered in their broken cities, have hung on in spite of reality, but the peace has not come. Instead, new crises have erupted — foremost, the threatening advance of ISIS. As thousands of people fled
11 Sep 2015
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Church ministers to refugees stranded in Hungary

This summer, hundreds of thousands of people have fled to Europe to escape violence in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Many authorities are describing it as the worst refugee crisis since World War II. In the past few days, the Keleti train station in Budapest, Hungary, has become a focal point of the
04 Sep 2015
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Eurasia Region prepares to open work in Greece

The Church of the Nazarene is developing plans to send a pioneer ministry team to open Nazarene work in northern Greece in the summer of 2016. Missionaries Joshua and Shannon Herndon , who have spent the past five years serving in Spain, will relocate to a suburb of Thessaloniki to lead the work,
19 Aug 2015
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CIS Field youth stand united at conference

Led by Nazarene Youth International President Sasha Lyansburg-Ferns and missionary Joseph Sumi, a group of 10 youth leaders from the Commonwealth of Independent States Field organized a Nazarene Youth Conference in Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, in July. More than a hundred young people from six CIS
23 Jul 2015
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India NYI council casts vision for future

We apologize, for the error in today's NCN News Email. Click HERE for the article on the South African Sending Service Sixty-five percent of India's population is within the age group of Nazarene Youth International, the youth ministry of the Church of the Nazarene denomination. This fact gives the
16 Jul 2015
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Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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Mongolia holiness gathering equips future…

24 Sep 2024
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Flags of the Nations: Guyana

23 Sep 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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