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Vision 2020: CIS Field embraces challenge to double in 15 years

What would it look like to double the number of Nazarene churches in the CIS Field (Commonwealth of Independent States) in the next 15 years? So far, it’s looking like families moving into cities and countries where the denomination does not yet have a presence, and in some cases drawing on the
21 Sep 2016
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Healthy relationships build healthy communities in Ukraine

Can – or should – Christians do non-evangelistic events for the community? This was the question the leaders of Kyiv First Church of the Nazarene discussed as they planned an event together with Kirche in Aktion (KiA), a Nazarene church in Frankfurt, Germany. About three years ago, Kyiv First Church
15 Sep 2016
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Ukraine church ministers to families displaced by political violence

The seaside city of Odessa, Ukraine, is known as a resort town. Its health sanatoriums were designed to be places of rest and recovery, where residents could relax, recreate, and in some cases receive short-term medical services. But in the gray winter months of 2016, one sanatorium outside the city
04 Aug 2016
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Ukraine congregation grows into sending church

The late 1990s in Ukraine were marked by deep economic, political, and social crisis. Corruption and crime were prospering. Alcohol and drug addiction got a firm hold of an alarmingly large percentage of society. In 1999, Roman Lebedev (photo right, with family) was a staff member of an alcohol and
13 Jan 2016
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Lonnie and Connie Norris

Norris to serve as CIS field strategy coordinator

Lonnie Norris, former missionary to Russia, will serve as field strategy coordinator for the Commonwealth of Independent States Field as of June 1. Norris and his wife, Connie, will move to Kiev, Ukraine, in the next few months. The Norrises served in Volgograd, Russia, from 1993 to 2000, where they
09 Jun 2011
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Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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Mongolia holiness gathering equips future…

24 Sep 2024
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Flags of the Nations: Guyana

23 Sep 2024
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