Korea missionary provides update on ministry in Aborigine communities

Korea missionary provides update on ministry in Aborigine communities

by | 14 Mei 2015
A group of girls hold up their copies of The Story of Jesus for Children.

Asia-Pacific Communications recently received the following update from missionary Kim Jong-Il about outreaches to the Aborigine people of Australia:

We continue to share God’s word and pray for the aboriginal communities. The Kununurra Bethel community is making an impact. One of their projects is looking after single mothers. There is also a children’s church every Thursday, where around 60 kids participate through Bible study and games.

Members from our Korea Nazarene church family recently visited our Aboriginal Christian College and had a great time building friendships.

In Broome, Brother Stewart and his wife, Anna, continue their leadership training in anticipation of the Kennedy Hill Aboriginal Community Church planting to take place in the near future.

We praise God for your prayers and partnership as many obstacles have been overcome. Through the work of the Holy Spirit and your commitment to pray, a revival was sparked during our recent Blackstone Easter Convention, and 30 aboriginal children and six adults committed their lives to the Lord. The Papyrus solar audio players will be instrumental in ongoing discipleship.

Families living in the desert were engaged through outreach programs. Together with the aboriginal tribal elders, the Blackstone Community Church was established in a new outdoor structure, where we can hold Bible teaching and leadership training.

Indeed, God has been at work in and amongst the aboriginal communities in Australia. We are so very appreciative of your prayers, partnership, and the commitment of those who continue to minister together, serving as the tangible hands and feet of Christ in these communities.

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region



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