NDI at PALCON Matters Because of You
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 27 Jun 2024

Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) is honored to be present at each of the three USA 2024 PALCONs. The opportunity to connect and network with you is always an honor our office does not take for granted.
The conversations at the NDI exhibit table matter because they allow us to listen and learn from you. Thank you if you attended a PALCON and stopped by to see us! If your PALCON is yet to come, visit us at our exhibit table and enter the drawing for a giveaway. More than anything, we want to know how we can serve you, pray with you, and come alongside you in ministry.
NDI’s Disability Ministry, led by Rev. Ryan Nelson (rnelson@nazarene.org), has workshops at each PALCON. The team, including Barbara Stanley and Leah Whicker of Wonderful Works Ministry, has begun consulting and resourcing churches, and PALCON provides a great opportunity to share and develop relationships.
The Discipleship Place held workshops on Discipleship as a Healing Journey and A Digital Plan for Daily Discipleship in the local church at the ENC and MVNU PALCONs.
We want to thank you for your faithfulness to disciple-making and your desire to help one another walk more closely with Jesus Christ! We are better together!