The Holy Life Bible Series Is Now Available
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 27 Jun 2024

The Foundry Publishing’s Holy Life Bible Study Series is a practical discipleship tool for both new and seasoned Christians. Author Frank Moore takes readers on a journey that unpacks theological truths of faith in a way that is both inspirational and motivating. He invites us to discover the incredible love of a God who empowers us to overcome any circumstance to live with joy, peace, and power—a God who calls us to take part in his divine nature.
Book 1 is Meeting God the Father. God created humanity in love. God placed humanity in a perfect environment with parental hopes and dreams for abundant living. Return to your roots and explore all God has in mind for you!
Book 2 is Following Jesus the Son. Determined to return humanity to the original hopes and dreams for us, God the Father sent Jesus the Son to our world to free us from our self-inflicted bondage. Jesus came to restore our relationship with God. Encounter Jesus in new ways!
Book 3 is Living by the Holy Spirit. The Father and Son gave believers the Holy Spirit to be with us and live in us. The transforming power of the Spirit conforms us to the image of Christ as we allow him to work freely in our lives. Life in the Spirit accomplishes God’s hopes and dreams for your abundant living!
Each book in this series includes thought-provoking questions to stimulate discussion in a small-group study setting.