NYI stays true to core strategies

NYI stays true to core strategies

by | 24 Jun 2017

Three of the main sessions during the Global Nazarene Youth International Convention focused on the core strategies of NYI: evangelism (represented by “Be”), discipleship (represented by “Do”), and leadership development (represented by “Go)”.

A spoken-word poem on each of these three core strategies was a definite highlight of the plenary. Youth and youth leaders were challenged to “Be” a light for Christ in the dark and ignored places of their worlds.

They were called to “Do” the things that Jesus did as they follow in His footsteps and live in community with one another. Finally, they were sent out to “Go” into their worlds as servant leaders, engaging in the mission of Christ with humble attitudes and learning spirits.

Video recordings of these spoken-word poems will be made available after the convention in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean to download and share.

Updated graphics were revealed for the NYI “Be Do Go” logos.

“These new colors represent the three primary colors of blue, red, and yellow,” said Gary Hartke, global NYI director. “It is from the combination of these three primary colors that other colors are made. These colors remind us that all we do in NYI is colored by Be, Do, Go … Everything we do should flow out of our focus on evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development.”



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