Missionary Prayer Card Confirmation

Thank you for using the Missionary Prayer Card Order form. Your order is successful.
Your deputation account will automatically be charged $30. We will notify you when your prayer card is ready.
Click here to go back to the Missionary Prayer Card page.




You are allowed 2 revisions.

We will send you the file for your final prayer card that you can send to the printing company. 


Frequently Asked Questions:


How much does it cost to design the prayer card? - $30.00


How do I pay for my order?

Your deputation account will be automatically charged the amount. 


How long does the process take?

One week (7 days) – this can be faster depending on the response of the client after 1st and 2nd drafts were submitted. 


How many revisions/changes will be made until the final approval of the design? – 2 revisions


What will be the format of the approved prayer card design? – pdf and/or jpeg


How will I receive the approved prayer card design?

You will receive an email with the link to the approved print-ready prayer card design.


Where do I have them printed? 

There are many print-on-demand companies online who will print them for you.


What if I am in a CAA country?

We will help design a card that is appropriate and approved by you.


Are these designs required?

Yes, all missionaries are now required to use the approved branded prayer cards.  If a missionary is in a CAA country, or there is a language challenge that may require a different card, please gain permission by contacting Global Missions personnel director, Marty Hoskins, at mhoskins@nazarene.org.