Lay Leaders: September 2021
| 05 Oct 2021DiscipleshipPlace.org would like to congratulate the following individuals for being approved by their pastor and local church board to receive the certificate of lay ministry. Upon approval, they will complete the Lay Ministry Courses.
- Jackie Adamson, of Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Northwest District
- Jeff Adamson, of Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Northwest District
- Sherry Kirsche, of Faith Community Church of the Nazarene, Florida District
We would also like to congratulate the following people who have completed the following courses.*
- Crystal A. Myers, of Leavittsburg Church of the Nazarene, East Ohio District
- Children's Ministry Academy
- Kimberly Sowden, of Dundalk Church of the Nazarene, Mid-Atlantic District
- Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation
- Timothy R. Thompson, of Living Faith Church of the Nazarene, Mid-Atlantic District
- Sunday School Superintendent
*Please note the above individuals are being recognized because they contacted us to request a certificate of completion. Many individuals complete courses but do not contact us to let us know, so we are unable to recognize them.