Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians Celebrates 50th Birthday!
By Daryll Stanton, Global Resourcing Coordinator, Nazarene Discipleship International | 12 Aug 2022

Dr. Charles “Chic” Shaver’s Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians is celebrating 50 years as an effective discipleship tool. The Foundry Publishing reports sales of over three quarters of a million of the packet of eight lessons. These lessons are designed for the new believer to receive one lesson for eight sessions. Each lesson addresses the new believer’s salvation experience, helping the person engage in a habit of Bible study. As each study is completed, the discipler can answer questions and offer counsel to help the new Christian begin a discipleship journey with Christ. Each study also has a Bible verse for memorization.
An Essential Discipleship Tool
During our recent PALCON at Trevecca Nazarene University, a number of church leaders noted the impact of the Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians in their ministries. I concurred with them as I have utilized these studies since 1980 and have been involved in translating them into several languages. Not only is Dr. Shaver’s Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians available as leaflets, but the resource is also now available in an ESL booklet and digital formats. I have also utilized the child and youth editions.
Allow me to share the thoughts of several others.
Prior to their missionary service, Jon and Margaret Scott had evangelism classes with Dr. Shaver. Later, when they were co-leaders with Rev. Gabriel and Rev. Elisete do Rosario in Coimbra, Portugal, they spread the gospel message widely. Many individuals came to Christ as a result. They set up small groups of new believers and guided them through Shaver’s Bible study lessons. This curriculum provided a path for them to develop their biblical understanding and the relationships within the groups. One of the groups grew into a new church plant. The Scotts see the Basic Bible Studies as a powerful tool to clarify essential practices of faith. Recently, in their stateside church, the lessons were used in an adult Sunday school class. The result was profound. They challenged their long-time Christians to think through the process they would use to disciple new Christians. Everyone in the class grew by approaching the lessons in this unique way.
One pastor testifies: “I was first introduced to this set of Bible study tools back in 1994 when my boss approached me to sit down every week during breakfast at a local coffee shop and do a lesson. One lesson every week: eggs, toast, bacon, and Bible study. I have hung onto this and used it as part of church membership and confirmation classes. I am now walking my 11-year-old son through the study and am just as satisfied with the study as I was all those years ago.”
One discipler says: “These are excellent for leading a new believer through discipleship. They help with the questions and theological differences that may come up, and they also encourage new believers to begin memorizing scripture. Absolutely recommend.”
Others say: “Great set of studies for helping new converts understand the basics of the faith. The key is to get them to commit to the study so they can go through all eight. Parts of it can even be used in witnessing or leading a seeker to find the truth.”
“I work with homeless women who are struggling, who at some point in their life accepted Jesus as their Savior. [They] are in need of basic Bible studies like this. I want these women to grow in their spiritual walk with God.”
“This is a tremendous resource for helping brand new Christians, people who have returned to Christ, or people who would like to sharpen their basic Christian beliefs. I would recommend using this resource in a one-on-one setting or in a small group. Every church would benefit from Basic Bible Studies!”
Feedback Requested
We would like to hear from you about your success stories of using the Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians. You can provide the Foundry Publishing a review. You may also contact me at