Asia-Pacific education leaders gather to discuss future

Asia-Pacific education leaders gather to discuss future

by | 19 Feb 2016
Global Education Coordinator Dan Copp address a group of educators from across the Asia-Pacific Region.

During the second week of February, 45 delegates, speakers, and guests from across the Asia-Pacific Region and the international Church of the Nazarene gathered in person and through video conferencing software in Manila, Philippines, to address regional education matters. The event brought together Nazarene school chancellors, principals, presidents, academic deans, field strategy coordinators, field education coordinators, and regional leaders.

Leaders reviewed the Regional Course of Study Council’s curriculum work, which has been in process for over a year, discussed global education and clergy development, and examined emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities regarding education on the region.

“This gathering of educators from 13 Nazarene schools is the first of its kind on the Asia-Pacific Region and may well be a quantum leap forward in the mission of the Church of the Nazarene,” said John Moore, Asia-Pacific regional education coordinator.  “Educators unanimously affirmed the value of this strategic collaboration and are making plans to follow up with a later conference to follow through with implementation, accountability, and strategic planning. We invite our friends to pray with us over the future of education on the AP Region!”

Guest presenters included Global Education Commissioner Dan Copp, International Board of Education Administrative Director Tammy Condon, Point Loma Nazarene University President Bob Brower, and PLNU Provost Kerry Fulcher. Eurasia Region Education Coordinator John Haines presented an interactive session over the Internet. 

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region



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