Korea Nazarene University students minister in Philippines

Korea Nazarene University students minister in Philippines

by | 13 Jan 2016

In late December, a group of almost 50 Korean Nazarene University students and church members gathered in Iloilo City, Philippines, to spread the love of Christ.

For two days they ministered to the people of the province of Dumangas, playing games with the children, offering health counseling, and giving away 16 wheelchairs and dozens of pairs of shoes to those in need.

With balloons in hand, the students of KNU were sent off to personally invite local residents to the services. After walking from home to home in Dumangas, the Korean team engaged the people in a worship service that featured dance performances. After worship, the local pastors gave a sermon and the Korean team gathered around the people to pray with them.

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region



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