EXPONAZ 2024 equips roughly 300 People on evangelism in Mexico

EXPONAZ 2024 equips roughly 300 People on evangelism in Mexico

Mesoamerica Region Church of the Nazarene
| 28 May 2024
Meso Evangelism conference

EXPONAZ 2024 brought together roughly 300 people in Guadalajara, Mexico, to motivate and equip them in evangelism.

The event was held by the Mexico Field’s evangelism ministry, responding to the mission of the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. During the event, there was an exhibition of various evangelistic resources, preaching, and workshops led by experienced leaders.

"EXPONAZ 24 was a time that God planned to remind us of the desire of his heart to go for those people who need it,” said Josías Pérez, an attendee. “The workshops confronted us and equipped us with resources to do better ministry for all generations."

Participants could visit 29 booths with resources from partners who work with the Church of the Nazarene and other organizations.

"The main focus of EXPONAZ is to ensure that each district and local church receives the resources that best adapt to the needs of the people they are evangelizing,” said Vanessa Maldonado, evangelism coordinator for the Mexico Field. “We understand that each place is different and needs different strategies.”

Ten lecturers who specialize in evangelism participated. Four preachers gave God’s word through plenary sessions: Milton Gay, regional evangelism coordinator; Carlos de la Cruz, FSC of the Central Field; Carlos Sáenz, Mesoamerica regional director; and Carlos Cordeiro, FSC for the North Central Field.

"We came away totally challenged to continue extending the kingdom of God on earth,” Maldonado said.

"God surprised us since we were equipped with strategies and materials, but above all, we were ministered through praise and preaching,” said attendee Julissa Contreras. “We promised that when we return to our planting points, we will have a new season…"

Vanessa Maldonado said EXPONAZ 2024 was an experience that exceeded the organizing team's expectations.

"We had never organized an event with this format before,” Maldonado said. “But it took place as God had already planned… We are looking forward to EXPONAZ 25 because we know this does not end here. This is just the beginning of something bigger that God is preparing, and that we have the enormous blessing of being part of it."

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region



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