NMI welcomes delegates to global convention

NMI welcomes delegates to global convention

Nazarene Missions International
| 09 Jun 2023

Nazarene Missions International welcomes its delegates to the 24th Global NMI Convention. The convention begins on Friday, 9 June, at 1 p.m. in the Sagamore Ballroom of the Indianapolis Convention Center and continues through Monday, 12 June.

Delegates from around the world will gather in the convention space or join via Zoom from their diverse cultures and contexts to celebrate all that God has done in and through the Church of the Nazarene and NMI over the past six years.

The business of the convention will include important resolutions to help NMI be more effective in its role as global missions advocates in every local Church of the Nazarene worldwide.

NMI has been praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the convention as they consider and discuss the future of NMI and the engagement of the next generations in God’s mission to the world. 

Reports from the USA/Canada Eurasia Regions will be heard today.

“God is doing amazing things around the world, and all of us can join Him in seeing His mission fulfilled,” Global NMI Director Lola Brickey said. “We want to do our part to see every person, in every place, speaking every language, come to know Jesus as Lord and to hasten His Kingdom among us and through us to a world so in need of His hope, grace, and peace.”




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