More than 100 Nicaraguan pastors equipped through conference

More than 100 Nicaraguan pastors equipped through conference

Nazarene News Staff
| 23 Mar 2023
Nicaragua Pastor Retreat

More than 100 pastors and leaders from the four districts of Nicaragua participated in the First National Pastors Conference from 27 February to 1 March at the Nazarene Bible Center in San Jorge, Rivas, Nicaragua.

The conference theme was “Vision, Evangelism, and Discipleship.” 

"We started with a great inspiring, powerful service," said pastor Denis Espinoza. "The Holy Spirit manifested itself through music, prayer and especially [during] the exposition of the Word of God and times of consecration at the altar." 

This opening service was followed by morning and evening devotionals led by the respective districts. The event's keynote speakers were Orlando Serrano, Dale Schaeffer, Roberto Hodgson, Ernesto Bello, and Olena Pérez.

The conference also included four plenary sessions: The Life of the Church, Evangelism Strategies, Intentional Discipleship, and The Call to the Ministry. These sessions were led by Orlando Serrano, Edgar Díaz, and David Alberto Pérez from the United States; Felipe Flores from Costa Rica – SENDAS; Gadiel Morales, Israel Acosta, Paulino Muñoz, and Franlym Peña from Nicaragua.

On the last day of the conference, the participants had a chance to share a special time with some living graduates from the first decades of education at the old Nazarene Bible Institute (now Nazarene Bible Center).

Daniel Vega is the only person still living from the first generation of the 1950s graduates of the then Nazarene Bible Institute (now the Nazarene Bible Center). Ernesto Bello, Francisco Peña, and Denis Espinoza—graduates from the next two decades—were also present. Together, they engaged with the newer generations in their efforts to reopen the Nazarene Bible Center.

"It was a blessing to meet the great men who started this great work in Nicaragua and also learn about some growth strategies in the Ministry," said pastor Antonio Garcia. "What struck me the most was having those men who served the Lord with great effort in difficult times but managed to have the Church of the Nazarene in many places in Nicaragua."

In addition to this training time, the leaders fostered unity and fellowship while they toured Lake Nicaragua and the lake port of San Jorge.

"This conference was powerful. The topics and the speakers were up to the task of [helping the] Nazarenes of Nicaragua to continue [to grow and advance] the kingdom of God within our country," said pastor Edwin Montenegro.

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica



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