Brazil program teaches youth about missions

Brazil program teaches youth about missions

South America Region Church of the Nazarene
| 23 Feb 2023
Brazil EMA

The Mission School for Adolescents (EMA) welcomed 112 adolescents from the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, and Espírito Santo in January.

The week long event takes place during school holidays and is held in a place far from the large urban centers. Coordinated by Maely Lonã, the school has dozens of volunteers, many of whom were EMA students, and also a team of trained teachers who teach classes during the program.

EMA exists to prepare Christian adolescents to fulfill the Great Commission.

It is a time of spiritual retreat when the students have classes related to the Christian life, vocation, and service. In addition, each student can choose an art workshop to attend. On weekends, students and monitors will practice supporting a local church, helping it in evangelization and ministry.

One of the students shared some of the moments she experienced in this edition:

My name is Lívia*, I am 15 years old, and I am from the Osasco Family and Legacy Church of the Nazarene. EMA has been a place that has made me change my mind This year 2023 I studied the advanced level, the second year of the EMA. From my first day, God allowed me to live unforgettable and transformative experiences. I took classes that opened my eyes and touched my heart. I feel challenged to initiate projects in my local church. I came to EMA with high expectations of what God could accomplish in those 10 days, and God did much more than I expected. He used teachers, counselors, and pastors to minister to my heart, giving me a greater understanding of His plans for my life and how a life in Christ has value. As I learned in this EMA 2023, "only living is worth dying for." I want to live a constant life in Christ, preaching the gospel to everyone, and recognizing that everything in my life is for His honor and glory.

In addition to the event held in January in Sao Paolo, EMA also has an edition in the Northeast of Brazil that takes place in July. Thanks to these events, dozens of young people in Brazil are equipped, ministered, and directed to discover and fulfill their vocation.

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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