Global praise reports and prayer requests: August 28, 2016

Global praise reports and prayer requests: August 28, 2016

by | 26 Aug 2015

Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include:


JESUS Film - Malawi

"More than 1,200 people came to watch the JESUS film," shared a team member in Malawi. "Of those, 769 people made a decision for Christ! We were well received by the chiefs, teachers, and the villagers. Fifty-three new believers immediately registered their names to our newly birthed church. The chief told us in his village polygamy, prostitution, and hard living are common lifestyles. He appreciated our coming with the gospel of Christ through the JESUS film. He said he was hopeful his village will be transformed since most villagers will now be followers of Christ who will live a good life in their community. The wife of one man confessed that now she finally feels married since her husband will be home with her and their children."

JESUS Film - Mexico

"I felt in my heart there was something missing," said a man in Mexico. "Even though my parents taught me to work hard and live a good moral life, I lacked something. One day on my way home from work I went through the park as usual. On this day, a crowd was listening to a man tell a story using a colorful cube with pictures on it.  As he explained how God loved us by sending Jesus to die in our place, I felt a great need to know God.  When an invitation was given, I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior and have been attempting to learn more about Him every week." 

JESUS Film - Sri Lanka

"He saw Jesus in prison," said a team member in Sri Lanka. "Radha was in prison for three months. While there, a follower of Christ shared with him about the Lord after the JESUS film was shown. Radha considered this a wonderful experience. We made arrangement to show the film near his home. Because of Radha's testimony, many people came to the presentation." 



Rain in Papua New Guinea

It’s the dry season in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea, where there is a Nazarene hospital. However, this season is especially dry. Water supply in the wells is low and some wells have run dry. Without rain, critical issues will arise, such as food shortages. The hospital staff and most Papua New Guineans depend on their gardens for food. Should the gardens die, there may be an influx of people at the markets, where prices will skyrocket. In addition, the hospital’s electricity runs off of the power generated from a hydroelectric system. The river used to draw water for the system is very low. Fortunately, the hospital has generators, but the fuel to run them is expensive.



Nancy Miller

Missionary Nancy Miller is regaining her strength following treatment for venous reflux, but will need oxygen while flying. Click here to read more about Nancy's condition.

Nancy and her husband, George, have been missionaries on the Asia-Pacific Region since 1989 and have served in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and now at Philippine Nazarene College in the northern Philippines. 

David Phillips

Southeast Asia Field Strategy Coordinator David Phillips, who recently underwent surgery for colon cancer, is currently in the U.S. for chemotherapy. For the latest update, click here.

Brent Smith

Pastor Brent Smith of the Talihina, Oklahoma, Church of the Nazarene was roofing a house when he fell off, landing face/chest first. He suffered facial fractures and broke some ribs, an arm, and a wrist, and has a brain bleed. As of August 27 he had awakened from an induced coma and was alert, according a GoFundMe page set up for his medical expenses. He had surgery on his left arm and elbow replacement surgery. More procedures may be required, though he is out of intensive care. 



For more global concerns and continued requests, see the NMI Prayer Mobilization Line by clicking here or JESUS Film Harvest Partners by clicking here. To share additional praises or prayer requests, please use the comment section below or see the Prayer Mobilization Line's Facebook page.



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