Southern Cone NTS honors 2020 graduates

Southern Cone NTS honors 2020 graduates

NTS South Cone
| 21 Jan 2021
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Nazarene Theological Seminary of the Southern Cone held a graduation for the Class of 2020 with a spirit of celebration and thanksgiving to God. 

The ceremony was held on 12 December 2020. Due to the pandemic and the necessary social distancing, the ceremony was held virtually using Facebook and YouTube. A total of 26 students received their degrees in the Diploma in Theology, Bachelor’s in Theology, and License in Theology programs. 

General Superintendent Gustavo Crocker was the invited preacher for the occasion. Other officials from the church of the Nazarene were present including, South America Regional Director Christian Sarmiento, Southern Cone Field Strategy Coordinator Alessandro Polonio, and Southern Cone NTS Rector Jorge Julca. Numerous superintendents were present who presented warm greetings and congratulations to the graduates from their districts.

The ceremony’s program included songs of worship, testimonies from graduates from the different academic programs, and a message from the Word of God along with encouraging words and prayers for the graduates. 

--Nazarene Theological Seminary of the Southern Cone




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