Mexico Ministry Centers - Infrastructure

Mexico Ministry Centers - Infrastructure

Mexico Ministry Centers - Infrastructure

Giving Code: 133662
Región: Mesoamerica
Area: Mesoamerica
COST (USD$): 40,800


The Mexico field has the goal of completing the development of three ministry centers to help meet the needs of the more than 900 Mexican churches. The land has been purchased, and some of the construction is completed. To sustain the centers and keep costs down, all three centers need basic infrastructure improvements to lower the high costs of electricity, and also, the south center needs a well for water.
These Ministry Centers are located in Chihuahua (north), Mexico City (Seminary building in central Mexico) and the site near Tuxtla Gutierrez (south). Many ministries are supported by these centers, including the housing of missionaries and Mexican volunteers. These are administration centers, the sites of many meetings and ministry planning sessions, educational development, and give the huge country of Mexico better connections between churches in the three zones.
In addition, the South Mexico Area Ministry Center, located outside of Tuxtla Gutierrez, is also in need of a well. Currently, water is brought in by truck to fill a cistern. The Ministry Center houses two missionary families, along with Mexican volunteers who serve in various ministries, including Work and Witness, Partnership, Evangelism, and Compassion. There are plans to build more lodging so that retreats and camps can be held on the property regularly as a service to the entire Mexico Field.
The well project is projected to cost $15,000. The cost of the solar panels per site is $8600 for twenty panels. Total=$25,800 Total infrastructure project cost: $40,800 Your support for this project will provide connections and ministry enrichment for many generations to come. God bless you!

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Make checks payable to General Treasurer and send them to:


Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116


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Make Checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:


Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1W5.


Be sure to put 133662 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.